Craft idea: Pop-up card
Idea and execution: Andrea Reiß
A pop-up card or pop-up picture is a creative and entertaining way to give someone a treat. With simple materials and a little crafting skill, you can create a three-dimensional landscape that comes to life when the card is opened.
Step 1

On a sheet of paper in double postcard format (upright), draw a sky at the top and a meadow with a path in the lower half.
Step 2

Fold this sheet of paper once in the middle and cut four strips of different lengths along the folded edge (see picture).
Step 3

Draw three little trees and a small house on another piece of paper. Cut out these motifs and stick them onto the strips.
The result is a beautiful fold-out card!
Let your creativity run wild - this principle can be implemented in a variety of ways with many different motifs.