Painting course: Rabbits in spring
Step 1
Spring is knocking on the door and the snow is gradually disappearing.
For this reason, the background of the picture is only lightly painted in blue, leaving free areas for the depiction of trees, rabbits, stones and other elements. The shapes can be worked out even more clearly with an eraser to emphasize the contours.
Step 2
Now the trees and the rabbit can be colored in, while the branches are drawn in with the paint sticks. For the somewhat thicker branches or to soften hard contours, color powder can be rubbed onto an extra sheet and applied with a slightly moistened cotton swab. To emphasize the hare, the paint stick can be carefully applied to areas where more contrast is desired, such as the head or front legs. The little finger can also be used for smaller areas of color.
Step 3
To give the bunny more liveliness, you can use an eraser to highlight some light areas, such as the chest, ears and head. Darker areas such as the paws, ears or tail can be emphasized with a black paint stick. A slightly moistened cotton bud can also be used for this.
Step 4
In early spring, brown mounds and green grass appear again and again under the snow. As we only painted the background lightly with blue at the beginning, we can now use green and brown to color in some light areas to create a beautiful forest floor.
Step 5
Finally, small details can be integrated into the picture. For example, a shrub with green buds or snowdrops can be drawn in with the paint sticks. For the snowdrops, white flower heads can be painted with opaque white or white acrylic paint.